Thursday, December 10, 2015

Scorpio Ring in 14k yellow and rose gold

This is another of my favorite pattern/no pattern ring.  This one is in 14k again, but two different colors of gold and highly polished.

This one started out like the rest:

A slice out of the middle for the ring shank.  The two slivers at the top and bottom will be drawn down to wire for the edges of the ring.  The rest is to be cut up into decorative shapes.

All the little pieces with beads of solder to adhere to the shank when the time comes.

The time has come. So, now to cut and file away the parts that extend beyond the band or shank.

lots of filing, sanding and polishing later....

I've got these down to about 8 hours.  If I just bough sheet and wire, it could be more like 4.  But I generally roll out and draw out scrap metal.  It is a trad-off, my time or money.

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