Friday, November 20, 2020

Scorpio Rings in Sterling

Here are two more of my favorite design.

These were in the Resident Artist Show at the Gallery One in 2020.

I also got a new Maker's Mark Stamp.  "Punchy"





My New Mark!   - Its a nickname my wife has for me.

Mourning Ring - Sterling and Jasper


 This is another piece I made for the Gallery One Resident Artists' Holiday Show 2020







Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Scorpio Ring in 14k white and yellow gold - Lee's Ring

This is another of the design I like to make.  
This one is special.  
It was created by combining two wedding rings.  

14K Yellow and White Gold

The two rings belonged to two family friends.  The husband passed away last year.  She is planning to wear it as a thumb ring.

This was made in my studio in Gallery One in Ellensburg, WA

Construction pictures:

Yellow Gold Band and Yellow and White Gold wedding ring

cut up by color

Stop to goof off.  Of course
The piece in the enter will be the sweeping arcs.

More pictures if you click the see more >>>

Jodi in the Art Show!

Here are a couple of projects created by my wife,
Jodi Hoctor (of the Ellensburg Hoctors).

These were accepted into the Gallery One Kittitas County Juried Show 2020.

Turquoise and Sterling Pendant

Sterling Earrings

This is Jodi during the last show and a picture of the earrings she entered last year.

That's me on the left and Jodi on the right.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Flight Light Fixture - Ohia, Kamani and Sitka Spruce

This is my attempt to make a 1960's light fixture for my kitchen

I've been locked out of my jeweler's studio - So, I have been doing woodworking in my garage.  
Dang old Covid 19

Here is the photo from my Artist Registry Page at Gallery One.

The pictures aren't very good, but I will eventually install it and get better pictures.

The woods are Ohia and Kammani that I brought back from Hawaii and Sitka Spruce that I brought back from Alaska.  You know, the 49th and 50th states.

CalDawg Helped me with pictures and I was goofing off taking pictures of him.  Jodi liked it.

Construction Photos:

Wood!  These are Ohia and Kamanni from Hawaii and Sitka Spruce from Alaska.

None of the boards were long enough, because I brought them back from vacations in Hawaii and Alaska, so I had to piece them all together.  This is after cutting the basic shapes out.

This was figuring out spacing for the LED light bulbs.

This is the Kamanni and figuring out how to get a sweep shape.