Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Scorpio Rings - Sterling and enamel

Scorpio Rings - Sterling and enamel

I've made maybe 6-8 of these over the years.  This first one was for my wife and it was one of the first rings I ever made.  Other people seem to like it, so I have made more.

The pictures above aren't very good.  Maybe I'll get some more.

Here are some pictures of the construction.  These are mostly made from scraps of silver left over from other projects.

left overs... again?  yuck.

planning where to put the blue tube-set enamel

little more planning, trying for some balance

round 'em up...

enamel, basically ground up glass...

Warm oven to 1,384 degrees and bake for 2:45 minutes, or until done.

These are fun, but a lot of work.  It probably took me 15 hours for these three.  Maybe more, and not counting naps.

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