Sunday, May 28, 2017

Lego Dragon - Putt-putt course.

The Gallery One asked me to create on of the holes for a Putt-Putt golf course to be held in the building.

Lego Dragon Gallery One Ellensburg
The Ball rolls down this big red tongue

It triggers a sensor and the eyes light up and the wings flap.

There is  a recording of my voice saying, "Now That's a Spicy Meat-Ball!"

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I asked if it could be a big dragon where the ball rolls down the tongue into the mouth, he eats it and then it comes out of his butt.  They said yes, so I was in!

Gallery One Ellensburg lego dragon
Hole #2    -  awesome.
Brand New Mindstorms robotics kit
That's Me in the Belly of the Monster

Actually, this is me.

Construction videos:


Concept Drawings

There is a video of the insides and how they work here.